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Why you need an Education Agent for studying and living in Australia?

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Why you need an Education Agent for studying and living in Australia?

Choosing an education agent


  • Education agents assist international students to secure a place in an Australian school, colleges, universities etc.


  • Using an education agent can help you save time and effort when applying for a course.


  • Education agents help with providing information on studying overseas and the process of organising your studies in Australia.


Resources for finding an agent


Pier Online and Australian Embassies and Diplomatic Posts in your country can provide a list of registered Australian education agents in your area.


Guide to find an Education Agent


Once you’ve made the decision to study in Australia and you know where you want to study and which course you want to undertake, you can enrol directly with the institution. If, however, you need more help with the admission application process, or the Australia visa application process, you can choose to use an education agent.


There are several reasons for taking assistance from Qualified Education Agent counsellors such as: 


An education agent can tell you about your options for

  • studying and living in Australia; and


  • assist with your visa; and


  • Institution applications.


In many cases, agents have had experience studying in Australia and can share their experiences with you. In addition, because they are dealing every day with application and visa application requirements they will be able to give you guidance for your particular situation.


Here are some tips for choosing an agent

  • Under Australian Government law, every Australian education institution that uses the services of an education agent needs to have a contract with that organisation.


  • Australian education institutions usually have more than one education agent appointed in a country so speak to more than one agent – collect and compare information.


  • Under Australian Government law, every Australian education institution has to list on their website every education agent it has appointed to represent them in each country.


  • Choose an education agent with experience helping students study in Australia – they will have a good knowledge of the Australian education system, visas and life in Australia.


  • Make sure that the agent is an authorised representative of the institution that you want to apply to. You can ask to see their letter of appointment from the institutions if you want.


  • Ask about any fees that may be levied for using their services.


  • Have a third party or friend help you understand the documents before you sign any documents.


  • Remember, a reputable agent will be honest about the application process.


For more information in relation to choosing a study course/program in Australia, please get in touch with our Australian Qualified Education Agent Counsellors (QEACs) (PIER QEAC No. L615) as well as an Education New Zealand (ENZ) Trained Agent at info@australasiaeduconnect.com.au.

Source: Education agents; Choosing an education agent.

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