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IELTS is recognised by over 9,000 organisations throughout the world – including universities, colleges, organisations and immigration authorities – as a measure of English language proficiency.

Aims of the course: 

  • To prepare students for further study destinations (including foundation preparation for the IELTS examination)
  • To assist students to communicate more effectively and confidently in a variety of settings. Study IELTS Foundation to develop the core English skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking to achieve a high score in the official IELTS test!

Course Description


The program is not only designed to help the student to practise examination techniques, but it will also help them to develop the necessary skills required to achieve an optimal IELTS test score.


Learning Outcomes: 

  • SPEAKING: make predictions, express hypotheses, express opinion and respond to others; make arrangement with known person by telephone; give advice; demonstrate more complex numeracy skills; report speech.
  • LISTENING: listen for main and supporting ideas; listen for specific information; predict information; recognize formal and informal language features.
  • READING: read globally; read for a detailed understanding; demonstrate dictionary skills; scan a text for specific information; predict information; process text-based numerical information.
  • WRITING:  write a formal letter; write a complaint; express and justify a point of view in writing; edit and correct own written texts.


Who is this course suited for?

This course is designed for intermediate English students who are aiming for an IELTS score of 6.0 or higher to help gain access to university or college, or to improve employment prospects – in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, UK or in other English-speaking countries throughout the world.

Course structure


The course is structured to maximise each student’s potential IELTS test band score. In order to achieve this, each aspect of the course focuses on a skill, component, or strategy relating to the IELTS test. The course focuses on the 4 main components of the IELTS test – speaking, listening, reading and writing. The course develops students’ abilities in each of these areas.


Course Duration

This course if offered full time over 8-10 weeks. This includes 8-10 weeks of term time and no holiday weeks.


Further information


Please contact the IELTS Manager on +8801790598146 or by e-mail at info@australasiaeduconnect.com.au or visit our office at D-2 (1st  Floor), Sharaqa Mac Building, 3/1, Bijoynagor, Dhaka-1000.