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Opportunity for International student pursuing doctorate or a master’s degree in certain subjects in Australia

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Opportunity for International student pursuing doctorate or a master’s degree in certain subjects in Australia

From 10 September 2016, five additional points will be available for students from Australian institutions with doctorate-level and masters by research qualifications in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), and information and communication technology (ICT) fields.

Who are eligible for the five additional points test for the skilled migration programme?


The amendment to the points test will enhance the pathway to permanent residence for students who:

  1. have completed Doctoral; or

  2. Masters by research-level qualifications in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) or specified information and communication technology (ICT) related fields in Australia.


The current points test will be awarded additional 5 (five) points for Doctorate and Masters by research-level qualifications gained from Australian universities in STEM, specified ICT and other related fields.


What are the fields of education qualifications are proposed to be accepted?


The following fields of education qualifications are proposed to be accepted under this new measure and are defined by the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS):

Field of education:  

a) Biological Sciences

b) Chemical Sciences

c) Earth Sciences

d) Mathematical Sciences

e) Natural and Physical Sciences

f) Other Natural and Physical Sciences

g) Physics and Astronomy

h) Computer Science

i) Information Systems

j) Information Technology

k) Other Information Technology

l) Aerospace Engineering and Technology

m) Civil Engineering

n) Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Technology

o) Engineering and Related Technologies

p) Geomatic Engineering

q) Manufacturing Engineering and Technology

r) Maritime Engineering and Technology

s) Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Technology

t) Other Engineering and Related Technologies

u) Process and Resources Engineering.

If you want to determine whether your qualification is eligible may able to search the CRICOS website.

If you want to pursue your qualification in a Doctorate or Masters by research-level get in touch with our Education Counselor team for further information at info@australasiaeduconnect.com.au.

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