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Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Requirements

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Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Requirements

An international student who wants to undertake a course of study under the student visa programme must obtain a student visa before they can commence a course of study in Australia. A successful applicant must be both a genuine temporary entrant and a genuine student.

The genuine temporary entrant (GTE) requirement is an integrity measure to ensure that the student visa programme is used as intended and not as a way for international students to maintain ongoing residency in Australia.

The GTE requirement applies to all international student visa applicants. The officer assessing the visa application considers whether the individual circumstances of the student indicate that their intention is for a temporary stay in Australia.

All Australian education providers must have strategies and arrangements in place to ensure that all students and prospective students meet the requirements with Direction 69 as a condition of admission to the institution.

From 1 July 2016, when assessing the genuine temporary entrant criterion, education providers will consider the requirements set out in Ministerial Direction 69 (700KB PDF), such as:

  • The applicant’s circumstances;
  • The applicant’s circumstances in their home country;
  • The applicant’s potential circumstances in Australia;
  • Value of the course to the applicant’s future;
  • The applicant’s immigration history;
  • Any other relevant matters.

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) in Australia will also assess each application for a student visa (subclass 500) against the applicant’s intention to stay temporarily in Australia as a genuine student.

The criteria for this assessment are outlined in Ministerial Direction 69. Applicants that don’t satisfy the criteria under Direction 69 will not be granted a student visa.

For more information regarding genuine temporary entrant (GTE) requirement, your student visa and choosing a study course/program in Australia and other other matter related to applying a student visa to Australia, please get in touch with our Australian Qualified Education Agent Counsellors (QEACs) (PIER QEAC No. L615) as well as an Education New Zealand (ENZ) Trained Agent at info@australasiaeduconnect.com.au.

Source: Genuine temporary entrant; DIRECTION NUMBER 69.

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