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Mr. Mizanur Rahman

Mr. Mizanur Rahman

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Mizanur is a Founding Partner, an Australian Qualified Education Agent Counsellors (QEACs) (QEAC No: L615), an Education New Zealand (ENZ) Trained Agent and  UniAgents Certified Agent of Australasia EduConnect Group.

Mizanur has extensive experience in working with Australia’s migration and education industry and idea to operate an education consulting services is from his expertise, knowledge and passion to promote these services in an international market.

Prior to establishing this Australasia EduConnect Group, Mizanur have had experienced to work with a number of Australian migration business as an International Business Development Manager  with Morgan Immigration Australia, Victoria as well as Business Development  Australasia with Mygration Pty Ltd, Gold Coast, Queensland in marketing activities and business development aimed at introducing to international skilled & qualified professionals interested in migrating to Australia temporary or permanent skilled migration, international students planning to study in Australia, Australian Significant Investment Visa and business talent visa.

Mizanur also worked for SIV Services Australia, Brisbane and Morgan Jensen Migration, Victoria in both management and business development managerial positions.

During his stay in Australia and employment with Morgan Jensen Migration (currently Morgan Immigration Australia), Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Mizanur had worked with Australia’s Registered Migration Agent for assistance of various Skills assessments Authorities as well as application of GSM & State Sponsorship such as skilled visas stream; Employer Nomination Scheme, international student recruitment and visa application and other types of visa application services to Australia.

He has extensive knowledge in the Australian immigration and education industry and has an excellent understanding of business managements and development in the migration services, international students planning to study in Australia and financial services industry.

He has strategically been working cooperatively with our international partners and stakeholders to offer our Education Consulting Service for Australia. He has particular interests in international students who are interested in studying in Australia.

He has travelled overseas on international skilled migration, student visa & investment visa exposure, events, campaigns or seminars to Australia that include Melbourne, Beijing, Shanghai, Malaysia, India and  Bangladesh.

Mizanur holds a Masters of International Law (LLM) and Bachelor of laws (Hon’s) form Southeast University, Bangladesh. He is a Qualified Lawyer of Supreme Court of Bangladesh.

He is also fluent in English, Bengali & Hindi languages.

View Mizanur’s Profile on LinkedIn.

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Connect Mizanur on Skype: mizansumon

Email: mizanur@australasiaeduconnect.com.au